To get to the CD you should send your material to Matthew Johnston

More information on submissions :

  • Try to keep it 7 minutes or shorter (I'll be lenient to a point, but my leniency will depend on the number of submissions I get)

  • I will accept the following formats:
    +CD-R audio
    +Audio Cassette (2-track or 4-track); Maxell only, please.
    +Zip Disk (Mac or IBM) with a 44.1Khz AIFF or .WAV file
    +VHS (be sure to have a video track recorded so speed is assured)

  • Other formats may be accepted if a volunteer can do a transfer from the requested format to one of the above. Obviously, if you have a DAT, you know what you're doing (generally), and I must apologize (since I don't have a DAT).

    And I'll add the obvious: You must be a member of the YtseJam mailinglist!!!
